Susan Boyle e美夢: 戲園之外e熱門短片—YouTubee爆發力 電影台語 GNN紹介

電影台語 GNN紹介

Susan Boyle e美夢: 戲園之外e熱門短片—YouTubee爆發力

Susan Boyle 出世di 蘇格蘭Blackburn West Lothian,12歲開始有演唱經驗,伊e媽媽希望伊成做歌后,伊家己希望變成舞台劇天后,伊心目中e明星—Elaine Paigehit款e專業歌手。Di 2009年4月11, “Britain’s  Got Talent”e節目當中,伊講ing暗veh ho 眾人為我狂迷,iau未開歌喉進前,有人笑伊、有人感覺伊是小丑仔,當第一句唱iau未了,全場驚喜,不得了,zit個短片透過You Tubee傳播,di短短近十工之內,全球已經有三千萬人次點賞,Wikipedia百科ma有伊e身世紹介。有人會講伊一夜爆紅,有人會講生張普通、歌聲如天籟,有人會講伊幸運生di網路科技,有人會講伊實踐yin媽媽e遺願…。真濟因素ho伊為各式人生點醒希望,尤其是伊選唱法國e作家Hugo(雨果)e“Les Miserables”(悲慘世界)中e歌曲。Zit部戲,到1985年再以經典做底,改編做舞台劇,di倫敦Barbican Theatre上演,延續到美國e百老匯。

為什麼Susan Boyle ziah轟動,阮想伊用靈魂唱歌,伊ga咱e靈魂牽動著hit條上細密e心靈、心聲:

(Lyrics)                            (歌詩 台語)

I dreamed a dream in time gone by                   歲月流金  我再夢美境

When hope was high                                     hit當時 滿腹希望

And life worth living                                      生命活跳

I dreamed that love would never die                我夢想 真愛ve變

I dreamed that God would be forgiving             我夢想 主愛無限

Then I was young and unafraid                       想我當時 少年大膽

And dreams were made and used and wasted    夢想放浪 隨心拋棄

There was no ransom to be paid                     錢若飛雲

No song unsung, no wine untasted                  歡唱暢飲

But the tigers come at night             無疑悟 暗夜 虎群來臨

With their voices soft as thunder       用yin若雷e輕沈

As they tear your hope apart            拆破 你e盼望

And they turn your dream to shame   ho你夢滅心碎

He slept a summer by my side            夏季 伊睏di我身邊

He filled my days with endless wonder 伊無盡e驚奇 充實我e日子

He took my childhood in his stride       伊e腳步 牽引我e童貞

But he was gone when autumn came   無疑悟 秋天來e時

伊suah 來離開

And still I dream he'll come to me       我仝款 夢想伊 閣來我身邊

That we will live the years together    gah我共度 美好餘生

But there are dreams that cannot be   只是 美夢破碎

And there are storms we cannot weather   總有風暴 vedang如意

I had a dream my life would be              我夢想 生活 甜美無涯

So different from this hell I'm living         回到現實 卻如 地獄苦海

So different now from what it seemed     天差地 ho我難去想

Now life has killed the dream I dreamed.  現主時 無情世界

ho夢想 來殘害

Original Post on Pixnet